How can I help

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I want to help, how ?

The Arabeyes Project, a volunteer based not-for-profit (ie. not a company, no agenda, no bias) effort, aims at bringing forth Arabic to Linux in all its forms among other goals. As such Arabeyes, is always looking for volunteers with different skills to join in and fulfill it and its members' goals and manifesto.

  • Translation/Technical Writing:
    Arabeyes is searching for translators and technical writers, ranging from the semi-unexperienced hobbyist translators to professional linguists.

Translation Projects
Translator Guide

  • Code Development:
    Arabeyes is searching for developers skilled in various languages (C, C++, Python, Perl, PHP, Java, etc), ranging from those just learning to those with many years of experience.

Developer Guide

  • Artistic Talent:
    Arabeyes is searching for those gifted in the Art world in order to fill its need for original works of Art for such things are logos, banners, various artistic layout issues, etc.

Artist Guide

  • Public Relations:
    Arabeyes is searching for those interested in shaping Arabeyes' image and is looking for a media director/coordinator to better educate the world of our goals and achievements.

Public Relations Guide

  • Donations:
    Arabeyes is in need of monetary funding primarily for hardware upkeep and bandwidth allocation (website, upgrades, etc). Arabeyes' records and ALL its purchases/transaction are accounted for and are openly available for all for inspection.

Email: contact (at) arabeyes (dot) org

Arabeyes' efforts and its benefits are of tangible, credible value to its volunteers and the Arab World at large. Our Interests and drive are genuine and will not falter in attaining its prescribed goals.

We thank you for your time and interest and look forward to hearing back from you in hopes of future cooperation and further progress.