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Start date Jan 31, 2002
Maintainer Mohammed Elzubeir
Contributors Mohammed Yousif
Status Inactive
Mailing list Develop
Version control

Duali, named after the legendary founder of the Arabic grammar (Abul Aswad al Du'ali - d. 688), is an Arabic spell-checker that is designed to accommodate to the Arabic language (and extendible to other non-Arab based languages as well).


  • Duali is written under the BSD license.




ID Due Date Priority State Assigned To Description


2003-04-16 Normal Done

Mohammed Elzubeir

Switch db library


2003-08-01 Normal Pending

Mohammed Elzubeir

Start porting pyduali to C

Contribute by choosing an unassigned todo ("Assigned To"=None) or a shared todo ("Assigned To"=All).

History Log

(Mar 28, 2004)

M.Yousif joins the project and puts the port to C++ in 4th gear. More details of progress can be found here.

(Dec 11, 2003)

Duali ver 0.2.0 is now released. It mainly consists of several bug-fixes and clean-ups. A more detailed changelog is available here.

(Dec 09, 2003)

Samy found an interesting bug that is now fixed. A new release is warranted now.

(Oct 05, 2003)

A port in Gentoo Linux for Duali 0.1.1 is now available (as of Sep. 23, 2003), see bug #26908.

(Sep 01, 2003)

Duali ver. 0.1.1 is now officially accepted in Debian (unstable). You can check the package page here. Many thanks to Mr. Negm for sponsoring it.

(Aug 24, 2003)

The Debian packages for Duali have been uploaded and are being processed. This is the ITP bug #202940.

(Aug 19, 2003)

Submitted bug report to create a Gentoo port for Duali - bug #26908.

Debian packages have also been prepared and await Ayman Negm's evaluation to sponsor it - temporary debs can be found here.

(Jul 06, 2003)

pyduali 0.1.1 released. Please refer to this post for more details.

(Apr 22, 2003)

Duali ver 0.1b released. New features include:

  • Multiple encoding support
  • Configuration file

Download here.

(Apr 08, 2003)

Duali 0.1a is released and can be downloaded here.

For more information, please read this post.

(Mar 14, 2003)

Finally, Duali now has an official logo, designed by Abdelmalek Lahmar. Many thanks!

Tentative alpha release data reset to April 1, 2003.

(Mar 06, 2003)

After some communication with Tim Buckwalter, some reconsiderations are being made to the overall algorithm (the use of roots vs. stems as a basis for the dictionary).

The new tentative alpha release of duali is set to March 25, 2003.

(Nov 10, 2002)

Mohammed Kebdani has semi-finalized the way by which all the tables for the forms and derivatives will be drawn out.

For more information, please read this post. Or follow-up on the progress here.

(Oct 22, 2002)

Mr. Kebdani and Elzubeir will use a different dictionary as the main source of input.

For more information, please read this post.

(Sep 07, 2002)

After receiving a full Arabic dictionary (book), several issues came to light.

A general call for volunteers (among other things) can be found in this post.

(Aug 11, 2002)

The status report is outlined in this post.

More details on problems are in this post.

(Jun 01, 2002)

Imported initial code to CVS. However, please note that the imported code is broken.

Duali is now under the implementation phase.

(Apr 17, 2002)

Started on stripping words to their root -- still not accurate enough (will use morpho3 as a basis).

Will get back to it once school gives me a break.

(Jan 31, 2002)

Chahine Hamila and Mohammed Elzubeir have taken up the project and started working on the definition of the involved heuristics.