
من ويكي عربآيز
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Rouand SIDO

الوضعية الحالية غير نشِط
الصفحة الشخصية http://rouand.com
مَن أنا
I'm a civil engineer

computer hardware was a hobby of mine, now, I'm found in internet business. I hate bill gates, and I hate Microsoft, and the more I depend on Windows, I hate them more. you may say I'm a kind of anti-globalist, anti commercial, and of course, anti monopoly...

I tried many times to use something else rather than Microsoft: OS/2, PC DOS, and other. even Linux in its earlier stages. but I have become too much attached to Microsoft! now I took I already switched to Firefox, thunderbird, and Open Office. now my most important step is Linux, and I feel quite terrified.

I am a graduate Civil Engineer from University of Damascus in 1997, and have a long working experience (I will describe later on)

I wish to participate to translation projects, since I feel my self competent in this filed.
البلد الأصل Syria
بلد الإقامة Syria
مفتاح پي‌جي‌پي العمومي