مستخدم:Abu namous

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نسخة 12:18، 7 فبراير 2017 للمستخدم WikiBot (ناقش | مساهمات) (استبدال النص - 'Active=Inactive' ب'Active=No')
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Omar Abo-Namous

  • Developer
Status Inactive
Homepage http://www.toomuchcookies.net/
About Me
whats to tell. My programming experience came from a totally different direction: Visual Basic. Done some small projects while at school. Also ive done some webpages, some are still online: www.medanet.de , www.feel-ing.org. Linux experience i have just a little, but ive \"served\" as a comp-admin the last two years at our uni and therefor the 6 months or less are because, i didnt really get to know the system....
Country of Origin Palestine
Country of Residence Germany
Public PGP Key
i dont know