
من ويكي عربآيز
نسخة 20:32، 14 ديسمبر 2007 للمستخدم Hosny (ناقش | مساهمات)
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

Chairless Hamza

In Quranic rasm, chairless hamza is a non-disjoining character. This means, when it comes inbetween two joinable characters, it doesn't seperate them.

ٍSmall waw

Although, there is small spacing waw in Unicode, there is a missing small non-spacing waw in the word /li yasuu'uw/ (Q17:7). This waw is similar to U+06E8 superscript noon and occur once in the mushaf.

Small seen

The corrective small seen in the word /yabsuTu/ (Q2:245), this is different from superscript cantillation mark.


There are tow forms of tanween in Quran.

= Sequential tanween

== Iqlab ==