Misc Gnome Stuff

من ويكي عربآيز
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

This page for random issues related to Gnome translation


The formate of translators_credits field is different from file to file, this is my proposal to unify it.

فريق عربآيز للترجمة http://www.arabeyes.org :\n
اسم المترجم\t<translator@foo.org>\n
مترجم آخر\t<another_one@foobar.org>

The "\t" (tap character) will add a "tap" after translators name, which will help aligning e-mails together to make it look better. The "\n" is (new line character) necessary to start new lines.

Add new translator to the end of the list.

Translators names in Arabic only, the English is not necessary.

  • Agreed. --جهاد 12:51, 21 أكتوبر 2007 (PDT)