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This page is an archive since the information provided is not up to date. You are welcome to dust off the content. Do not hesitate to contact the previous authors for more information. The page is kept for now for historical purposes.


Start date Jun 03, 2004
Maintainer Alaa Abd El Fatah
Contributors Mohammed Sameer :: Manal Hassan :: Sherif Nagy :: Abd El-Rahman Ghareeb :: Ahmed El Sherbiny :: Ahmad Okda :: Amr Kamel :: Hazem Mohamed :: zeyad massry
Status Active
Mailing list Doc
Version control

This project aims to have a full translation for the Drupal Content Management System by translating strings in certain files (called *.po files) to Arabic. This is done by translating Messages used in the Drupal CMS (POT --> PO).


Current stable version of drupal does not use gettext and po files.
However CVS drupal does and this seems to be the future direction drupal will take, the gettext local module is backported to stable, thats what we are targeting. Eventualy we'll move to translating CVS and keep up with the project.


ID Due Date Priority State Assigned To Description


2005-11-30 High Pending

Alaa Abd El Fatah

fix plural forms translation

Contribute by choosing an unassigned todo ("Assigned To"=None) or a shared todo ("Assigned To"=All).

History Log

(Nov 30, 2005)

Drupal PO files have been synced to the latest stable version (4.6 branch). Webpo file editor was attempted through eglug.org but users weren't impressed by the results. Core drupal is almost fully translated, a new translator Amr Gharbeia is working almost on his own.

(Jun 24, 2004)

imported 20 contrib modules used by www.eglug.org

(Jun 09, 2004)

Started live testing the arabized drupal @ EGLUG.org

(Jun 09, 2004)

finished first version of the Bidi Filter module.

this module adds a filter that scans each html block element and automaticaly determine its dir attribute

you can see the module in action @ EGLUG

(Jun 07, 2004)

removed all redundant strings

(Jun 03, 2004)

Did initial import and automated fuzzy translation.