«ACE's/Okhayat/ar»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

من ويكي عربآيز
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(تحديث لمطابقة نسخة صفحة المصدر الجديدة)
سطر 1: سطر 1:
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$Id: ace6_ar.html,v 1.2 2004/06/18 17:56:55 nadim Exp $
$Id: ace6_en.html,v 1.1 2004/06/17 21:27:38 nadim Exp $
- Conducted by Nadim Shaikli (Jun 6, 2004)
- Supplied by interviewee, Ossama Khayat
<b>The Basics ...</b>
<div dir="rtl" align="right">
<b>بيانات أساسية ...</b>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6">
<td>الإسم الكامل</td>
<td>Full Name</td>
<td colspan="3">أسامة محمد سعيد خياط</td>
<td colspan="3">Ossama Mohammad Khayat</td>
<td colspan="3">29 عاما</td>
<td colspan="3">29</td>
<td>Country of origin</td>
<td colspan="3">لبنان</td>
<td colspan="3">Lebanon</td>
<td>بلد الإقامة الحالية</td>
<td>Residing in</td>
<td colspan="3">الكويت</td>
<td colspan="3">Kuwait</td>
<td colspan="3">مدرب كمبيوتر</td>
<td colspan="3">IT Trainer</td>
1. Is there a project or site that you are affiliated with ? If so, how ?
1. هل هناك مشاريع مفتوحة المصدر تعمل معها؟ وما هي؟
I'm currently an active member of [https://www.arabeyes.org/ Arabeyes.org] involved in many of its projects. I also dabble in various
أنا حاليّاً عضو نشط في مجموعة [https://www.arabeyes.org/ عربايز] ومرتبط بالعديد من مشاريع الترجمة لبرامج وتطبيقات المصدر المفتوح (خارج نطاق عربايز) التي أجدها مفيدة لي أو للآخرين. في البداية، قام أحد الزملاء في العمل بتعريفي على موقع الأخبار
translation work for other Open Source programs and applications (outside
[http://www.linux4arab.com/ لينكس العرب] والذي قرأت من خلاله بعض المقالات عن عربايز. في البداية، وحيث كانت قد مضت فترة سنة تقريباً على بدء استخدامي لنظام لينكس، لم أكن على علم بأي عمل تعريب كان قد تكوّن. وعند علمي بعربايز كنت سعيداً لوجود جهد كهذا وبدأت أتابع أخبارهم وموقعهم وأي جديد عنهم، ولكني اعتقدت أني لن أكون قادراً على المساعدة حيث أنني لم أكن مبرمجاً محترفاً (أي ليس لدي خبرة كافية في لغات البرمجة مثل سي أو سي++ أو غيرها).
of Arabeyes' realm) that I find useful/beneficial to me and others. I was
قمت بالانضمام فعلياً إلى عربايز بعد شهر من تتبّع أعمالهم عندما أدركت أنه يمكنني المساعدة بسهولة بترجمة ملفات نصّيّة بسيطة (*.po) وتقديم ملفّات صوتيّة لمشروع القرآن الكريم.
initially introduced to Arabeyes through an article on
[http://www.linux4arab.com/ Linux4Arab's] news website which was
referred to me by a friend at work. At that time, with about a year into my
usage of Linux, I was still not aware of the Arabization work taking shape.
Upon my introduction to Arabeyes I was so glad to be introduced to them that
I dove in and started following up with any updates and/or news about that
group and their work but I continued to think that I couldn't be able to help
as I thought I needed to be a programmer (ie. needed to know the likes of
C/C++ and others). I truly joined Arabeyes after almost a month of tracking
their work when I realized that I could easily help by translating simple
text files (*.po) and providing audio files for the Holy Qur'an project.
2. What is one thing that most people don't know about you (hobby, pet-peeve, abilities, etc) ?
2. ما هي أكثر الأشياء التي يجهلها الناس عنك (هواية، عادة، قدرات، إلخ)؟
I love sitting and chatting with older people. Ever since I was about 16 or
أحب الحديث مع ومجالسة ذوي الأعمار المتقدمة. منذ أن كنت في السادسة عشرة من عمري لاحظت أنني أحب الاستماع إلى خبراتهم وقصصهم في الحياة (حيث أنها تعطيني إرشاداً وأفكاراً صحيحين). كما أنّ أفضل أصدقائي هو رجل في السبعين من عمره :-)
so I noticed that I loved to listen to their life experiences and stories
(as it gave me good guidance and ideas). My best friend is a 70 year-old
man :-)
3. What are your thoughts on Linux and open-source ?
3. ما هي آرائك حول لينكس والمصدر المفتوح؟
They are an amazing combination. I love them and I even got influenced by
إنّها مزيج رائع. أحبها حتى أنني تاثرت بها. في البداية، اعتقدت أن المصدر المفتوح يتعلق بلينكس فقط، لكنني وجدت أنه يدعم أيضاً أنظمة التشغيل الأخرى. ثم اعتقدت أنّه أيّ شيء سوى ويندوز، لكن هناك الكثير الكثير من التطبيقات والمشاريع المتوفرة لهذا النظام في موقع [http://sf.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=216 SourceForge.net] من بين الآخرين، حيث تتّبع كلها نظام المصدر المفتوح.)
them ;-) really. First, I thought Open Source relates only to linux, but found
إنه حقاً مدهش كم هو معطاء هذا النظام ومتّبعوه ومتطوّعوه. لينكس كان وسوف يكون الإجابة لكل الأفكار الحالمة التي نستطيع من خلالها التخلّص من ويندوز وكل ما يتعلق بميكروسوفت.
it helpful for other OSs as well. Then I thought it's anything but Window$,
but many many applications/projects are there for Microsoft's Windows (M$)
OSs in [http://sf.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=216 SourceForge.net] among others (all following the same Open Source model).
It's really amazing how generous this model and it's followers/contributors
are. Linux was/is the answer to all wishful thoughts in which we could get
rid of Window$ and M$ stuff.
4. What got you interested in Linux and open-source ?
4. ما الذي جعلك مهتماً بالمصدر المفتوح ولينكس؟
Full control. Being able to have a truly Open Sourced application results
التحكم الكلي. أن أحصل على تطبيق مفتوح المصدر حقاً ينتج عنه القدرة على التخصيص الكامل (إن وجدت الحاجة والقدرات). إن وجدت علّة برمجيّة فيمكنك إرسال تقرير بها وتوقّع الحصول على حلّها (بشكل عام) خلال شهر. إن احتجت إلى ميزة إضافيّة، يمكنك دائماً إضافتها بنفسك (مع بعض المشقّة إن لم تكن مبرمجاً) أو أن تُجمع على إضافتها بناءً على مدى
in being able to fully customize it (given the need/abilities are there). If
الحاجة إليها ونفعها. علاوة على ذلك، ليس مهماً ما هو مستوى تعليمك، أو خبرتك البرمجيّة أو طريقة تفكيرك، فيمكنك دائماً المساعدة بطريقة ما!!
you find a bug you can report it and expect (on average) to have it fixed
within a month. If you need a feature, you can always add it yourself (with
some hardship if you are not a programmer like me) or lobby for its inclusion
based on the feature's benefits/needs. Above all, no matter what your
education, programming-level or way of thinking you can always help in
some manner !!
5. What are Linux/open-source's major advantages, as far as you are concerned ?
5. ماهي مزايا لينكس والمصدر المفتوح عامّة، على حدّ علمك؟
There's nothing to hide. No back-doors, hidden secrets, selfishness, control
ليس هناك شيء مخفي. لا أبواب خلفية، أسرار مخبئة، أنانية، جشع تحكّم، براءات اختراع ضارّة... إلخ. كل ما هنالك هو المشاركة، والتطوع، والتغيير والعطاء. حريّة وانفتاح هذه المصادر نتج عنه أعداد هائلة من المتطوعين ذوي خلفيات ومستويات وجنسيات مختلفة. هؤلاء الناس وهذه الأفكار تحولّت إلى مصدر كامل لتقدّم لينكس والمصدر المفتوح بشكل عام. أرى أن وحدة الهدف بين لينكس والمصدر المفتوح هي فائقة للروعة.
greed, patents... etc. It's all about sharing, participating, making a
difference and giving back. The freedom and openness of these traits resulted
in having massive amounts of participants from varying backgrounds, levels
and nationalities. These people and these thoughts turned to be a perfect
source for the advancement of Linux and Open Source in general. The unity
aspects of Linux and Open Source just seem extraordinary to me.
6. What irks/displeases you about the open-source movement ?
6. ما هو أكثر ما يزعجك حول المصدر المفتوح؟
From a relatively non-knowledgeable user perspective, it's difficult to do
من وجهة نظر المستخدم العادي، من الصعب القيام بالأعمال. خصوصاً لأولئك المعتادين على طريقة ويندوز. يحتاج المستخدم العادي فترة طويلة نسبياً كي يستطيع البدء ويعتاد على كيفية القيام بما يريد. هناك عدد هائل من البرامج المفيدة جداً والمتوفرة من خلال سطر الأوامر فقط. شيء آخر يزعجني كثيراً هو تكرار العمل. ما أعنيه هنا هو أمثال yum وapt وup2date على سبيل المثال. الهدف واحد، وهو "إدارة وتحديث البرامج والأنظمة" بسهولة، لكن لم هناك مزايا مشرذمة بين العديد البرامج وليس كلّ المزايا المطلوبة في برنامج واحد. أعتقد أنه من الأفضل دائماً توحيد الصّف والجهد للحصول على نتيجة أفضل، بدلاً من إنشاء مشاريع عديدة تفتقد إلى بعضها البعض. البرمجيات هي مثال بسيط فقط، وهناك أشياء أخرى يمكن للمستخدم أن يلاحظ تكرارها بلا فائدة.
things easily. Especially for those who are used to M$'s click-click approach.
An average user would need quite some time to get started and accustomed to
what needs to be done. There is quite a large number of very useful
applications, for example, yet still most of them are only available
through console [ie. they are non-graphical (GUI) in nature]. Another major
thing that bothers me is the apparent replication of work. What I mean here
is likes of yum, apt, and up2date for example. The aim is the same, "managing
and updating software" easily, but why the multiple means to do them. I
believe it's always better to join forces to bring about one great result
rather than forking/creating new projects resulting in many subpar,
non-perfect ok projects. Software update is merely _one_ example, there
are other areas where I see lots of needless replication.
7. How do you see Arabic fitting into the open-source movement ?
7. كيف ترى ملائمة العربية في حركة المصدر المفتوح؟
To me it's a great opportunity to have it fit since I'm in need of it :-).
بالنسبة لي من الرائع جداً أن تلائم مكان الحاجة إليها :-) لقد اعتدت أن أترجم ما أجده ذا منفعة (وذلك ما أحبه). فالمصدر المفتوح، كما ذكرت سابقاً، له فوائد كبيره للعالم العربي.
I've grown accustomed to just grabbing the source for whatever I see of benefit
and Arabizating it (its a process I truly love). Open source, as mentioned
previously, would be of great benefit to Arab world.
8. How have you been involved in Linux/open-source?
8. كيف انضممت إلى لينكس والمصدر المفتوح؟
It all started with my interest to find Microsoft Windows (M$) alternatives
بدأ كل ذلك منذ بدء اهتمامي العثور على بدائل ويندوز في سنة 1999. أحب أخي – رضوان – تجربة العديد من أنظمة التشغيل المختلفة. وكان أحد هذه التجارب لينكس. كانت التوزيعة الأولى التي جرّبتها هي سوسي لينكس 7 والتي حصلت عليها مع مجلة لينكس فورمات التي جلبها أخي. في الحقيقة، كان تثبيت التوزيعة غاية في السهولة عدا التّجزئة، حيث لم يكن لي أي خبرة في متطلبات لينكس. ما فاجئني حقاً هو أنّني لم أضطر إلى إعادة تشغيل النظام إطلاقاً ولا حتى مرة واحدة بعد انتهاء التثبيت وتمّ إقلاع النظام (بنتيوم2/128م.ب./20ج.ب.) مباشرة في الوضع الرسومي دون أي عائق. تمكّن نظام التشغيل من التعرّف على كلّ العتاد الموجود (عدا المودم الداخلي) واستطعت مباشرة الاستماع لبعض الموسيقى من خلال برنامجXMMS ولعب بعض الألعاب كذلك. كان ذلك رائعاً جداً وأعطاني الأمل في وجود بديل جيّد محتمل. بعد سنة ونصف من هذه التجربة (في بداية سنة 2001) بدأت التحضير لامتحان مدير خادم CIW، والذي اشتمل على دروس خاصة بلينكس، ولكن بشكل بسيط وغير وافي. وحيث أنني قد اعتدت على استخدام سوسي لينكس، قمت بتنزيل توزيعة ردهات 7 (أو 7.1 إن لم تخني ذاكرتي) وبدأت التمرّن على تلك التوزيعة (كما هو مطلوب للامتحان بالطبع) ومنذ ذلك الحين وأنا أفضل استخدام ردهات وتوزيعاتها :-)
back in 1999. My elder brother, Radwan, liked trying out different Operating
Systems (OSs) he'd come across. One of those on a faithful day was Linux.
The first distro I tried was SuSe 7 which came free with LinuxFormat
magazine my brother had bought. To be honest, the installation was
_really_ a piece of cake except for the partitioning bit. I suffered a little
with that, but it went fine. The thing that truly shocked me (in a good way)
was the fact that I didn't have to reboot - not even a single time and the
system (PII-350/128MB/20GB) was booted into X without an hitch time and again.
All hardware (except internal modem) was detected very nicely and I could
use XMMS to play some MP3s along with some games. It was really a great
moment for me and my quest. A year and a half into this experience (starting
in 2001) I started preparing for my CIW Server Administrator exam, which
included lessons about Linux, though in a brief and quick manner. As I was
already a bit familiar with SuSe, I downloaded RedHat 7 (or 7.1 not sure)
and started practicing on that (as required for the exam and course) and
was hooked on RedHat and it's distributions ever since :-)
9. How will you become more involved in Linux/open-source ?
9. كيف يمكنك المشاركة بشكل أكبر في لينكس والمصادر المفتوحة؟
I've always been involved in open-source since my introduction to it
لقد كنت دائماً من المشاركين في المصدر المفتوح منذ تعرّفي عليه. مبدئياً، أقوم بإخبار الناس عن المصدر المفتوح وفوائده. من المضحك أن أجدهم يتعجبون كيف أنه مجاني (في معظمه) وحرّ بهذه الطريقة ويسألونني "كيف يمكن أن يكون هذا؟ أتعمل بلا مقابل!". كما أنني أحاول دائماً أن أنشر برامج المصدر المفتوح وأخبر عنها أصدقائي وطلابي (حي أنني معلّم في النهاية).
(your usage of the future tense threw me off :-). Basically, I tell
people about open-source and it's benefits. Its funny to see them freak
out when they realize its FREE and ask "how could this work? you work
for nothing!". I also try to publicize Open Source Software (OSS) and its
benefits to my students (I'm a teacher after all).
10. What would you say your major contributions to Arabic Linux/open-source have been ?
10. ماهي أكبر اسهاماتك للتعريب والمصادر المفتوحة؟
I think it's mostly in the translation arena. Other than the projects
أعتقد أن معظمها محصور في مجال الترجمة. لقد قمت بالعمل على العديد من التطبيقات المختلفة غير تلك التي اشتركت بها مع عربايز مثل phpmyadmin، وtsclient، وsynaptic، وغيرها، كما أنني ساعدت في تعريب الواجهة الاساسية لموقع distrowatch.com ومارست طبيعتي في كوني أحب المساعدة في أي شيء أرى فيه الفائدة للمجتمع العربي والإسلامي حيث استطعت.
I've been involved with via Arabeyes, I've done other work for various
miscellaneous applications (phpmyadmin, tsclient, synaptic... etc),
assisted in distrowatch.com's website and simply try to be my usual
self and help in anything I see of benefit to the Arab/Muslim community
(given I'm able to deliver).
11. How do you see Linux/open-source fitting into the Arab community?
11. أين موقع لينكس من الإعراب في عالمنا العربي؟
With the advancements we see today, it's really very suitable and ready. I
مع التطورات التي نراها اليوم، أرى أنه ملائم جداً وجاهز للاستخدام العربي. أتذكر الوهلة الأولى التي استخدمت فيها لينكس وكان يفتقر تقريباً إلى كل شيء يتعلق بالعربية. أما الآن، فأنا أرى العديد العديد من التطبيقات تصبح ملائمة ومهتمة لإضافة اللغة العربية ودعمها في تطبيقاتها من خلال يونيكود وUTF-8. حتى أنّه يمكن لنا أن نقول أنّها ملائمة أكثر من ميكروزفت :-) ليس فقط من ناحية الواجهات المترجمة ولكن أيضاً من ناحية طريقة دعم اللغة واحتياجاتها.
remember the first time I used Linux it almost lacked everything you need to
read, write and deal with Arabic. Nowadays, I see more and more applications
becoming Arabic aware/supportive though Unicode/UTF-8. One could even say that
their support is better than Microzeft's ;) not only as a translated
interface (our work is more natural and intuitive), but also in its native
functional Arabic support.
12. What is the ideal path for development and progress in your opinion?
12. ما هو الطريق الأمثل للتطور في رأيك؟
Dedication, hard-work and sacrifice. Let's put it this way - we always hear
الإخلاص، والعمل الجاد، والتضحية. ما اعتدنا عليه كعذر دئماً هو "نحن مشغولون"، و"لا أستطيع المساعدة بشكل كبير!"، "وهناك ما هو أهم".. إلخ. وردي إلى هؤلاء هو "هذا هراء، يمكن دئماً توفير الوقت."
people saying "I'm busy", "really can't help much!", "there are more important
things"... etc. My reply to those remarks is "NONSENSE - make the time".
13. What areas, in your opinion, need the most work?
13. أين يجب أن يكون التركيز برأيك؟
Ease of use and integration. Like I mentioned before, there are plenty of
سهولة الاستخدام والتكامل بين الأعمال. كما ذكرت، هنا العديد من البرامج والأدوات المفيدة، ولكن هناك الكثير المطلوب قراءته كي يتمكن أحدهم من الاستفادة من هذه البرامج وقد يذهب الوقت سدى بسبب ضعف التوثيق الموجود. هناك فعلاً فراغ كبير في عملية التكامل بين التطبيقات سواء الخدمية أو المكتبية منها. قد يرجع سبب ذلك إلى تعدد كاتبي هذه البرامج ولكن لا بد من وجود طريقة أفضل لحل هذه المعضلة.
really powerful tools/software, yet you have to suffer by reading long
(and most times not of much benefit) manpages. There is also a big gap
in integration between applications, be it office, internet, utility or
server applications. Maybe because they are developed by different authors,
but still there has to be a way to better integrate them.
14. What would you like to see happen sooner rather than later?
14. مالذي تود أن تراه يكون عاجلاً وليس آجلاً؟
Easier Linux. In all ways, not just when it comes to installation,
لينكس أسهل للاستخدام. كيفما كان، وليس فقط عند التثبيت، أو التهيئة، أو الإدارة. قد تكون العربية واحداً من الأشياء المهمة التي تجذب مستخدميها ومحبيها إلى هذا النظام، إلا أن هناك العديد من النقاط المهمة التي تجعل لينكس لا يقاوم، حيث أنه من المهم المحافظة على القادمين الجدد.
configuration, administration. Arabic _might_ be one of the things
that will get more Arabs involved in using and grasping Linux, yet
still these areas and the previously mentioned points would make
Linux really unbeatable (you want to retain these new converts after
15. What gets you moving and wanting to contribute?
15. مالذي يحفّزك على العطاء؟
First of, I'm after the big award from Allah I'm going to get at the end.
أولاً، أنا على أمل كبير في الحصول على الأجر الكبير من الله - عزّ وجلّ - في الآخرة. تخيّل كيف قد يكون رائعاً لو قال أحدهم:"آه، قام بعمل كذا أسامة... بارك الله فيه ورحمه." ثانياً، الحاجة إلى إعطاء القليل لهذا المجتمع الرائع الذي تعلمت منه الكثير كأن أكون معطاءً، حيث أن التطوّع هو هدف نبيل جداً. أشعر أيضاً بالخجل والتواضع الشديدين من الناس الذي يقدّرون أعمالي ويشجعونني بكلمات أو أفعال بسيطة، والذي جعلني أتوق إلى المزيد من العمل والتطوّع. في النهاية، عندما أنتقل إلى الملأ الأعلى، لا أريد أن أكون "مجرّد إنسان عاش ومات"، فهل تريد ذلك؟
Imagine how great it would be if/when someone would say, "oh, this was
done by Ossama, may Allah bless/have-mercy upon him". Second, is our need
to give back a little to this great community from which I've actually
learned to be more gracious (volunteering is a GREAT noble cause). I'm
also humbled by various people who in many ways appreciate and keep
encouraging me by simple words and/or deeds - so many nice things have
happened which keep me coming back for more :-). So, at the end, when I
pass away, I don't want to be "just someone who lived and died", do you ?
16. What Arabic Linux accomplishments have really excited you?
16. ما هي أفضل إنجازات لينكس؟
HaydarLinux, which was the first Arabic distro I used really excited
حيدر لينكس، والتي كانت أول توزيعة لينكس عربية استخدمتها. رقعة المحرّر فيم، والتي هي إضافة رائعة، خاصة لمستخدمي الشاشة الطرفية وسطر الأوامر بكثرة. جينوم، المعرب بالكامل، وحديثاً رقعة PuTTY.
me. The Vim patch, a really helpful addition, specially for console also
ignited things. The fully Arabized GNOME and most recently, the Arabic
PuTTY patch (which was just accepted :-) really move me.
17. What are some of your favorite links/channels?
17. ما هي المواقع المفضلة لديك؟
First of, [http://www.linux4arab.com Linux4Arab] through
أولاً، [http://www.linux4arab.com لينكس للعرب] through والذي تعرفت من خلاله على المصدر المفتوح وعربايز. اعتدت كذلك أن أقرأ أخبار [http://www.linuxtoday.com LinuxToday] يومياً واطلع بشكل مستمر على أي جديد من خلال موقع [http://www.distrowatch.com/">دستروواتش]. أقوم كذلك بمتابعة [http://www.osnews.com/ OS News] من وقت لآخر. لا أشاهد التلفزيون كثيراً، ولكن عند حدوث كوارث فقناتي المفضلة لمتابعة الحدث هي الجزيرة.
which I got to know about Open Source and what-not. I used to read [http://www.linuxtoday.com/ LinuxToday] alot and always quickly
review [http://www.distrowatch.com/ Distrowatch] updates. I also
keep an eye on [http://www.osnews.com/ OS News].
I don't watch the TV much, but during various crises my favorite outlet
is AlJazeera.
18. What would you tell others to get them involved in the Linux/open-source movement ?
18. ماذا تقول للآخرين كي يسهموا في المصدر المفتوح؟
Contribute as much as you can. At the end, it will Inshalla come back to
تطوعوا بقدر ما تستطيعون. في النهاية، سوف يكون لذلك العائد الأكبر لكم إن شاء الله. حتى المساهمة البسيطة تشكّل تغييراً كبيراً مع الوقت. لدينا دائماً الوقت الكثر لنضيعه أمام التلفزيون وبرامجه التافهة، أو التصفح الغير الهادف للإنترنت. ولو حسبنا هذا الوقت لوجدنا لدينا على الأقل ساعتين يومياً يمكننا عمل أشياء كثيرة مفيدة لأنفسنا والمجتمع، مثل الترجمة، المساعدة في العثور على الأخطاء وتقريرها... إلخ. ذكرت هذه الأشياء لأنها من أبسط ما يكون، مع ذلك فهي فعالة. على سبيل المثال، أنا متزوج ولي طفة أعتني بها، وأعمل كمدرب للكمبيوتر بمدة تدريس تعادل 6 ساعات أو أكثر يومياً بالإضافة لما يتطلبه عملي من التحضير لتدريس هذه المواد. مع ذلك أجد الوقت كي أقوم بأعمال كثيرة وبمعدل ساعة يومياً على الأقل في أسوء الظروف. أتذكر العديد من المرات التي ألحيت فيها على ردهات لإضافة بعض الخطوط العربية والواجهة العربية لكيدي مع أنها لم تكن كاملة، وفي كل مرة فعلت فيها ذلك، كان الأمر لا يستغرق أكثر من الوقت المقضي في شرب فنجان من الشاي!
benefit you first and foremost. Even the little things make a big difference
in the long run. We always have time to waste watching useless TV shows,
chatting and chattering about useless things, surfing the net with no
apparent goal/aim, etc. If you calculate all that wasted time, I'm
sure you will find _at least_ 2 hours a day that you can easily spare
and assist in various fields/things like translation (words or phrases),
testing, providing feedback, bug reporting, voting for bugs, etc, etc.
I mentioned these tasks because they are very simple, yet very effective
and really make a quick difference. Case in point, I'm married with one
child to take care of, I work as a teacher mostly teaching 6+ hours a day
while continuously preparing for my upcoming classes that I need to deliver
yet I find/make the time. I also have some other work I do and still I can
find at least one hour to read emails and help a little with the various
different projects. I remember when I kept nagging RedHat about including
Arabic fonts and Arabic KDE interface - every time I did, it was just a few
minutes while having a cup of tea !
19. How would you go about expanding Arabic Linux in general?
19. كيف يمكن للينكس ان ينتشر؟
Make people aware of it; help them use it; get them involved in it.
أعلم الناس عنه، وساعدهم على استخدامه، واجعلهم يساهمون به.
20. Where do you see Arabic Linux in five years?
20. أين ترى لينكس العربي بعد 5 سنوات؟
I pray everyday that our community wakes up and sees the benefits and
أدعو الله دائماً أن يُفيق مجتمعنا ويرى فوائد وحاجات هذا النظام. إن حدث ذلك، فسوف يكون بكل تأكيد نظام التشغيل الأساسي الشائع بين أفراد المجتمع العربي.
needs of such a system. If this happens, it will be for sure the
_only_ OS used in different places around the Arabic community.
21. Where do you see yourself in five years?
21. اين ترى نفسك بعد 5 سنوات؟
Away from any M$ related stuff :-) I want to be "Free as in Freedom".
بعيداً عن أي شيء يتعلق بميكروزفت :-) أريد أن أكون "حرّاً بمعنى الحرّيّة". أريد أن أتعلم المزيد والمزيد عن لينكس والمصدر المفتوح وأن أحقق هذا الحلم. اعتمادنا على منتجات ميكروسوفت يجب أن ينتهي عاجلاً وليس آجلاً.
I want to learn more and more about Linux/open-source and help make
this entire dream/wish a reality. Our dependence on Microsoft needs
to end sooner rather than later.
22. Do you have any advice for the Arabic-speaking world regarding Linux and open-source?
22. هل لديك نصيحة للعالم العربي تجاه لينكس والمصادر المفتوحة؟
Forget about M$. I've been for years involved in the "M$ DarkZone" and
انسوا أمر ميكروزفت. لقد كنت ولسنين طويلة غارقاً في "دوّامة ميكروزفت" وأعرف الكثير من مشاكلها، وعودها الكاذبة، وكلامها المنمق الفارغ. لن تموت إن لم تلعب لعبتك المفضلة التي لا تعمل إلى على ويندوز. هناك دائماً بديل، وإن لم يكن فعليك العمل على كونه.
know first-hand about it's problems, fake promises and high-talk. You
won't die or get sick if you don't play a game or use software that
_only_ works on Windogz. There is always an alternative and if it's not
<p align="left">
there you/I/we need to make it happen.
<i>Supplied courtesy of - Ossama Khayat</i>

نسخة 05:12، 10 فبراير 2017

لغات أخرى:
العربية • ‏English

The Basics ...

  Full Name   Ossama Mohammad Khayat
  Age   29
  Country of origin   Lebanon
  Residing in   Kuwait
  Occupation/Studying   IT Trainer

1. Is there a project or site that you are affiliated with ? If so, how ?

I'm currently an active member of Arabeyes.org involved in many of its projects. I also dabble in various translation work for other Open Source programs and applications (outside of Arabeyes' realm) that I find useful/beneficial to me and others. I was initially introduced to Arabeyes through an article on Linux4Arab's news website which was referred to me by a friend at work. At that time, with about a year into my usage of Linux, I was still not aware of the Arabization work taking shape. Upon my introduction to Arabeyes I was so glad to be introduced to them that I dove in and started following up with any updates and/or news about that group and their work but I continued to think that I couldn't be able to help as I thought I needed to be a programmer (ie. needed to know the likes of C/C++ and others). I truly joined Arabeyes after almost a month of tracking their work when I realized that I could easily help by translating simple text files (*.po) and providing audio files for the Holy Qur'an project.

2. What is one thing that most people don't know about you (hobby, pet-peeve, abilities, etc) ?

I love sitting and chatting with older people. Ever since I was about 16 or so I noticed that I loved to listen to their life experiences and stories (as it gave me good guidance and ideas). My best friend is a 70 year-old man :-)

3. What are your thoughts on Linux and open-source ?

They are an amazing combination. I love them and I even got influenced by them ;-) really. First, I thought Open Source relates only to linux, but found it helpful for other OSs as well. Then I thought it's anything but Window$, but many many applications/projects are there for Microsoft's Windows (M$) OSs in SourceForge.net among others (all following the same Open Source model). It's really amazing how generous this model and it's followers/contributors are. Linux was/is the answer to all wishful thoughts in which we could get rid of Window$ and M$ stuff.

4. What got you interested in Linux and open-source ?

Full control. Being able to have a truly Open Sourced application results in being able to fully customize it (given the need/abilities are there). If you find a bug you can report it and expect (on average) to have it fixed within a month. If you need a feature, you can always add it yourself (with some hardship if you are not a programmer like me) or lobby for its inclusion based on the feature's benefits/needs. Above all, no matter what your education, programming-level or way of thinking you can always help in some manner !!

5. What are Linux/open-source's major advantages, as far as you are concerned ?

There's nothing to hide. No back-doors, hidden secrets, selfishness, control greed, patents... etc. It's all about sharing, participating, making a difference and giving back. The freedom and openness of these traits resulted in having massive amounts of participants from varying backgrounds, levels and nationalities. These people and these thoughts turned to be a perfect source for the advancement of Linux and Open Source in general. The unity aspects of Linux and Open Source just seem extraordinary to me.

6. What irks/displeases you about the open-source movement ?

From a relatively non-knowledgeable user perspective, it's difficult to do things easily. Especially for those who are used to M$'s click-click approach. An average user would need quite some time to get started and accustomed to what needs to be done. There is quite a large number of very useful applications, for example, yet still most of them are only available through console [ie. they are non-graphical (GUI) in nature]. Another major thing that bothers me is the apparent replication of work. What I mean here is likes of yum, apt, and up2date for example. The aim is the same, "managing and updating software" easily, but why the multiple means to do them. I believe it's always better to join forces to bring about one great result rather than forking/creating new projects resulting in many subpar, non-perfect ok projects. Software update is merely _one_ example, there are other areas where I see lots of needless replication.

7. How do you see Arabic fitting into the open-source movement ?

To me it's a great opportunity to have it fit since I'm in need of it :-). I've grown accustomed to just grabbing the source for whatever I see of benefit and Arabizating it (its a process I truly love). Open source, as mentioned previously, would be of great benefit to Arab world.

8. How have you been involved in Linux/open-source?

It all started with my interest to find Microsoft Windows (M$) alternatives back in 1999. My elder brother, Radwan, liked trying out different Operating Systems (OSs) he'd come across. One of those on a faithful day was Linux. The first distro I tried was SuSe 7 which came free with LinuxFormat magazine my brother had bought. To be honest, the installation was _really_ a piece of cake except for the partitioning bit. I suffered a little with that, but it went fine. The thing that truly shocked me (in a good way) was the fact that I didn't have to reboot - not even a single time and the system (PII-350/128MB/20GB) was booted into X without an hitch time and again. All hardware (except internal modem) was detected very nicely and I could use XMMS to play some MP3s along with some games. It was really a great moment for me and my quest. A year and a half into this experience (starting in 2001) I started preparing for my CIW Server Administrator exam, which included lessons about Linux, though in a brief and quick manner. As I was already a bit familiar with SuSe, I downloaded RedHat 7 (or 7.1 not sure) and started practicing on that (as required for the exam and course) and was hooked on RedHat and it's distributions ever since :-)

9. How will you become more involved in Linux/open-source ?

I've always been involved in open-source since my introduction to it (your usage of the future tense threw me off :-). Basically, I tell people about open-source and it's benefits. Its funny to see them freak out when they realize its FREE and ask "how could this work? you work for nothing!". I also try to publicize Open Source Software (OSS) and its benefits to my students (I'm a teacher after all).

10. What would you say your major contributions to Arabic Linux/open-source have been ?

I think it's mostly in the translation arena. Other than the projects I've been involved with via Arabeyes, I've done other work for various miscellaneous applications (phpmyadmin, tsclient, synaptic... etc), assisted in distrowatch.com's website and simply try to be my usual self and help in anything I see of benefit to the Arab/Muslim community (given I'm able to deliver).

11. How do you see Linux/open-source fitting into the Arab community?

With the advancements we see today, it's really very suitable and ready. I remember the first time I used Linux it almost lacked everything you need to read, write and deal with Arabic. Nowadays, I see more and more applications becoming Arabic aware/supportive though Unicode/UTF-8. One could even say that their support is better than Microzeft's ;) not only as a translated interface (our work is more natural and intuitive), but also in its native functional Arabic support.

12. What is the ideal path for development and progress in your opinion?

Dedication, hard-work and sacrifice. Let's put it this way - we always hear people saying "I'm busy", "really can't help much!", "there are more important things"... etc. My reply to those remarks is "NONSENSE - make the time".

13. What areas, in your opinion, need the most work?

Ease of use and integration. Like I mentioned before, there are plenty of really powerful tools/software, yet you have to suffer by reading long (and most times not of much benefit) manpages. There is also a big gap in integration between applications, be it office, internet, utility or server applications. Maybe because they are developed by different authors, but still there has to be a way to better integrate them.

14. What would you like to see happen sooner rather than later?

Easier Linux. In all ways, not just when it comes to installation, configuration, administration. Arabic _might_ be one of the things that will get more Arabs involved in using and grasping Linux, yet still these areas and the previously mentioned points would make Linux really unbeatable (you want to retain these new converts after all).

15. What gets you moving and wanting to contribute?

First of, I'm after the big award from Allah I'm going to get at the end. Imagine how great it would be if/when someone would say, "oh, this was done by Ossama, may Allah bless/have-mercy upon him". Second, is our need to give back a little to this great community from which I've actually learned to be more gracious (volunteering is a GREAT noble cause). I'm also humbled by various people who in many ways appreciate and keep encouraging me by simple words and/or deeds - so many nice things have happened which keep me coming back for more :-). So, at the end, when I pass away, I don't want to be "just someone who lived and died", do you ?

16. What Arabic Linux accomplishments have really excited you?

HaydarLinux, which was the first Arabic distro I used really excited me. The Vim patch, a really helpful addition, specially for console also ignited things. The fully Arabized GNOME and most recently, the Arabic PuTTY patch (which was just accepted :-) really move me.

17. What are some of your favorite links/channels?

First of, Linux4Arab through which I got to know about Open Source and what-not. I used to read LinuxToday alot and always quickly review Distrowatch updates. I also keep an eye on OS News. I don't watch the TV much, but during various crises my favorite outlet is AlJazeera.

18. What would you tell others to get them involved in the Linux/open-source movement ?

Contribute as much as you can. At the end, it will Inshalla come back to benefit you first and foremost. Even the little things make a big difference in the long run. We always have time to waste watching useless TV shows, chatting and chattering about useless things, surfing the net with no apparent goal/aim, etc. If you calculate all that wasted time, I'm sure you will find _at least_ 2 hours a day that you can easily spare and assist in various fields/things like translation (words or phrases), testing, providing feedback, bug reporting, voting for bugs, etc, etc. I mentioned these tasks because they are very simple, yet very effective and really make a quick difference. Case in point, I'm married with one child to take care of, I work as a teacher mostly teaching 6+ hours a day while continuously preparing for my upcoming classes that I need to deliver yet I find/make the time. I also have some other work I do and still I can find at least one hour to read emails and help a little with the various different projects. I remember when I kept nagging RedHat about including Arabic fonts and Arabic KDE interface - every time I did, it was just a few minutes while having a cup of tea !

19. How would you go about expanding Arabic Linux in general?

Make people aware of it; help them use it; get them involved in it.

20. Where do you see Arabic Linux in five years?

I pray everyday that our community wakes up and sees the benefits and needs of such a system. If this happens, it will be for sure the _only_ OS used in different places around the Arabic community.

21. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Away from any M$ related stuff :-) I want to be "Free as in Freedom". I want to learn more and more about Linux/open-source and help make this entire dream/wish a reality. Our dependence on Microsoft needs to end sooner rather than later.

22. Do you have any advice for the Arabic-speaking world regarding Linux and open-source?

Forget about M$. I've been for years involved in the "M$ DarkZone" and know first-hand about it's problems, fake promises and high-talk. You won't die or get sick if you don't play a game or use software that _only_ works on Windogz. There is always an alternative and if it's not there you/I/we need to make it happen.