«ACE's/Alrasheedan/ar»: الفرق بين المراجعتين

من ويكي عربآيز
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(تحديث لمطابقة نسخة صفحة المصدر الجديدة)
سطر 1: سطر 1:
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$Id: ace5_ar.html,v 1.2 2004/02/25 22:27:44 nadim Exp $
$Id: ace5_en.html,v 1.1 2004/02/25 22:18:30 nadim Exp $
- Conducted by Nadim Shaikli (Jan 19, 2004)<
- Translated by, Sulaiman Ahmad Al-Rasheedan
<b>بيانات أساسية ...</b>
<b>The Basics ...</b>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="6">
<td>الإسم الكامل</td>
<td>Full Name</td>
<td colspan="3">أحمد سليمان الرشيدان</td>
<td colspan="3">Ahmad Sulaiman Al-Rasheedan</td>
<td colspan="3">41 عاما</td>
<td colspan="3">41</td>
<td>Country of origin</td>
<td colspan="3">الكويت</td>
<td colspan="3">Kuwait</td>
<td>بلد الإقامة الحالية</td>
<td>Residing in</td>
<td colspan="3">الكويت
<td colspan="3">Kuwait</td>
<td colspan="3">مدير مشروع علوم و تقنيات
<td colspan="3">IT Project manager</td>
<b>1. Is there a project or site that you are affiliated with ? If so, how ?</b>
<b>1. هل هناك مشاريع مفتوحة المصدر تعمل معها؟ وما هي؟</b>
The only site I am affiliated with is
الموقع الوحيد الذي أنا مرتبط به هو "عيون العرب"
[https://www.arabeyes.org عرب آيز]. في السابق كنت
[https://www.arabeyes.org Arabeyes]. I used to be affiliated
with xtradius.com when I was heavily into the ISP business and I
مرتبطاً بموقع xtradius.com عندما كنت راغباً بشدة بأعمال الـ ISP و كنت نشيطاً في
was active in C coding. Those days are over :) I stumbled on Arabeys
برمجة C . تلك الأيام كلها مضت :) لقد تعرّفت بموقع عيون العرب [عرب آيز] و
and the [[Wordlist]]
project back in July 2003. I saw it was not finished and took it upon
العام الماضي . رأيت أنها لم تنتهي فأنهيتها بنفسي . و أنا الآن أتمتع
myself to finish the pending words and I did. Now I enjoy cruise control
بصيانة الكلمات المحفوظة والإضافات
mode with Wordlist. I am honored to have played an active role in Wordlist
<b>2. What is one thing that most people don't know about you (hobby, pet-peeve, abilities, etc) ?</b>
<b>2. 2. ما هو الشي الذي لا يعلمه الناس عنك ؟ ( الهواية ، الشيء المكروه ، قدراتك ، إلخ ؟ )</b>
With a full time job and a full time family size, there isn't much
مع وقت طويل أمضيه بالعمل و وقت طويل أمضيه مع العائلة ، لا يتبقى هناك وقت لأنشطة إضافية مثلاً ، و لكن إن كان هناك وقت ، فأقضيه في ممارسة رياضة الطائرات الورقية .
time left from the day for individual activity, but if I do, then I
fly kites.
<b>3. What are your thoughts on Linux and open-source ?</b>
<b>3. ما هي آراؤك بـلاينكس و المصدر المفتوح ؟</b>
Extremely positive. I love having the option between many web browsers,
إيجابيّة تماماً. احب فكرة الإختيار بين مجموعة من المتصفّحات او من أدوات الترجمة المتاحة. بل بالإمكان تغيير المصدر لأي من المتصفّحات ليتناسب مع ما أرغب. سرعة إجراء التحسينات على البرامج مفتوحة المصدر ببساطة رائعة.
translation tools. Heck I get to modify the source and have the browser
function my way! The pace new enhancement and additions to the software
is fascinating. Simply superb.
<b>4. What got you interested in Linux and open-source ?</b>
<b>4. ما الشيء الذي جعلك تنجذب إلى لاينكس و المصدر المفتوح ؟</b>
Availability of free software and the robustness of the operating
وجود البرامج الحرة و قوة النظام التعاوني . في بداية التسعينيات ، كانت الخيارات محدودة . إما نظام تشغيل ويندوز غير المتزن أو نظام تشغيل يونكس التجاري باهظ التكاليف بلا برامج للعمل عليه . لاينكس كان و مازال فكرة رائعة .
system. In the Early 90's, choices were limited. Either far-from-stable
Windows for an OS or expensive commercial Unix with no software
to run on. Linux was/is a brilliant concept.
<b>5. What are Linux/open-source's major advantages, as far as you are concerned ?</b>
<b>5. ما هي أعظم فوائد لاينكس و المصدر المفتوح برأيك ؟</b>
The fact everything in the open source community is open source gives
كل شي بالمجال المفتوح مفتوح المجال و يعطي الآلاف الفرصة للتعديل و المشاركة ، و النتيجة تكون قوية . على سبيل المثال ، كيان واحد كشركة تجارية تهتم ببرنامج لن تكون كالمجال المفتوح بالجودة . اعثر على خلل في IRIX أو HP-UX فإن عليك أن تنتظر SGI أو HP ليصلح الأمر . أمّا في المصدر الفتوح، فبإمكانك إلغاء التعديلات التي يضيفها Linus للنواة إن كانت التعديلات لا تعجبك
thousands of developers the chance to chip in, enhance, and fix anomalies.
The end result is rock solid products. Having one entity like a commercial
company looking after the affair of a piece of software won't be as good
as the open source initiative. Find a bug in IRIX or HP-UX and you would
have to wait for Silicon Graphics or HP for a fix. You don't like the fix
Mr. Torvalds introduced to the latest Linux kernel then trash his code and
write your own.
<b>6. What irks/displeases you about the open-source movement ?</b>
<b>6. ما هو الذي لا يرضيك بالمصدر المفتوح و حركته ؟</b>
It is not user friendly so it won't take off on the desktop as much as
إنه ليس سهل الإستخدام لذا لن يستخدم على سطح المكتب بقدر ما أحبه أن يكون . أنظر إلى آبل و OSX، مستخدم هذا النظام ليس مضطرّاً لمعرفة /dev أو /proc كما هو الحال مع لينكس.
I like it to be. Is it feasible to be user friendly? yes. Look at Apple
and their Mac OS X. I look for the day where one doesn't have to
know what is /dev or /proc.
<b>7. How do you see Arabic fitting into the open-source movement ?</b>
<b>7. أين تقع اللغة العربية في المصادر المفتوحة؟</b>
Turtle slow and disappointing. It doesn't make sense to see the amount
بطيئة جدا ومخيبة للآمال. الكم الهائل من المتحدثين باللغة العربية لا يتناسب مع حجم الإصدارات العربية او عملية التعريب. خذ
of people who speak Arabic and number of Arabised software or
على سبيل المثال "عيون العرب" [عرب آيز]، المشاريع المدرجة لها 1-3 من المساهمين المسجلين وفي الواقع تجد 1-2 هم المساهمين النشطين والباقي يقف موقف المتفرج. ما هي النسبة بين المشاركين في الموقع كأعضاء والنشطين في تقديم الخدمات؟ لقد كان من المحرج جداً ان أقوم بإرسال رسالة عامة أطلب فيها متطوعين وكان المطلوب من المتطوعين ان يقوموا بإضافة ترجمة لكلمة واحدة في اليوم! ومع ذلك، لم أوفّق بالحصول على متطوعين.
even recognition to the Arabic language on web sites or end user clients.
Arabeyes effort is a small example. Each project on Arabeyes has 1-3
registered participants with 1 or 2 active users and the rest are dormant!
How many people on Arabeyes mailing list vs. active users? I was so
embarrassed when I posted a message asking for participants for the
Wordlist project and my requirement was to have someone translate
ONE WORD PER DAY and I didn't manage to recruit a single person!
<b>8. How have you been involved in Linux/open-source ?</b>
<b>8. كيف إنضممت الى لينكس والمصدر المفتوح؟</b>
Back in the year 2000, I released my first open source piece of
في العام 2000، قمت بإصدار اول مصدر مفتوح. كان عبارة عن توثيق من اسم المستخدم وكلمة السّر على نظام RADIUS. وبالتالي، قمت بإضافة نظام
software when I was in the ISP business. It was an LDAP authentication
محاسبي للمصدر المذكور وتوثيق على نظام MySQL. كان ممتع جداً استقبال الرسائل من شتى بقاع العالم تسأل عن كيفية استخدام الإصدار. في
module to be plugged onto the RADIUS authentication server. Later
العام 2003، عرفت عن الإحباط الذي يمر به زميلنا نديم الشيخلي من قلّة عدد المتطوعين في برامج التعريب. منذ ذلك الوقت، اخذت على عاتقي
I added MySQL accounting. It was very nice to have received e-mails
انهاء مشروع Wordlist والذي انجز منه نديم 67000 كلمة وقمت بترجمة قرابة 19000 كلمة في غضون 3 أشهر. لقد تعمّدت ذكر الأرقام هنا وليس
from various people in the world regarding how to apply/compile
القصد هو المباهاة وانما لأجعل البعض منا ان يتحمل بعض من المسؤولية والقيام بالمساعدة. لقد تمكنت بفضل الله من هذا العمل ولي وظيفة
the software. In 2003, I read Nadim's [Shailki] frustration for lack
مرتبط بها، زوجة، واربعة اولاد أكبرهم في الثانوية العامّة...هذا هو ردّي للذي لايستطيع ان يتطوع ويترجم كلمة واحدة في اليوم!
of participants with the Arabeyes initiative and decided to make a
difference. I took up Wordlist project when it had 67,000 words and
I translated something close to 19,000 words in three months! I made
a point in mentioning numbers and the purpose was not to brag, it is
rather to make you feel some responsibility and go out there and do
something. I managed to output so much with a full time job, a wife,
4 kids (eldest in high school)....this is what I have to say for those
who can't translate ONE WORD PER DAY because they don't have the time!
<b>9. How will you become more involved in Linux/open-source ?</b>
<b>9. كيف يمكنك المشاركة بشكل أكبر في لينكس والمصادر المفتوحة؟</b>
Since I can read/write English & Arabic, I am best suited for the
بما إنني استطيع القراءة والكتابة بالعربية، فإنّي ارى أن استمر في عمل التّرجمة. في هذا السن ومقدار المسؤوليّات، لا أظن ان بالإمكان من القيام بأعمال البرمجة المثمرة. بالإمكان اختلاس نصف ساعة في اليوم وترجمة قدر بسيط من الكلمات ولكن لا أعتقد ان أقدر علي القيام بإنتاج برمجة مثمرة في نفس الوقت المتاح.
translation business. At this age and amount of responsibilities, I
can't code. I can steal 30 minuets a day and translate few words
but can't see a tangible output ( from my point of view ) and write
meaningful code in 30 minuets. I'll just focus on the translation business.
<b>10. What would you say your major contributions to Arabic Linux/open-source have been ?</b>
<b>10. ماهي أكبر اسهاماتك للتعريب والمصادر المفتوحة؟</b>
For starters, I wouldn't call them major, but I would describe what I
في البداية، هي ليست بالإسهامات الكبيرة. بإمكاني إيجاز ما عملت في التّالي: لقد تشرفت بأن أُتيحت لي الفرصة بالإسهام في مشروع Wordlist وترجمة بعض الكلمات ليتسنّى لولدي او ولدك في ان يستشهد بها كمصدر من مصادر الترجمة.
did in the following: I am honored and privileged to have contributed to
the Wordlist project and was given a chance to have translated few words
which your son or mine could look up.
<b>11. How do you see Linux/open-source fitting into the Arab community ?</b>
<b>11. أين موقع لينكس من الإعراب في عالمنا العربي؟</b>
I see a perfect fit! most of the Arab world would think twice when it comes
لينكس في المكان المناسب في العالم العربي حيث أن تكاليف شراء البرامج التجارية يثقل كاهل معظم البلدان العربية. من الممكن الإستعانة بـ لينكس بدل "ويندز" و Koffice بدل MS Office. بهذا تقوم البلدان العربية بتوفير مبالغ طائلة. لماذا لم يحصل هذا حتى الآن؟ أعتقد أننا كلنا لم نقم بعمل جيد في قضية التثقيف في هذا الجانب.
to software licensing charges. With Linux instead of Windows & Koffice
instead of MS Office the Arab world could save a huge amount of money.
Why its not taking place? I guess you and I are to be blamed. We are not
preaching open source enough.
<b>12. What is the ideal path for development and progress in your opinion ?</b>
<b>12. ما هو الطريق الأمثل للتطور في رأيك؟</b>
Since we wouldn't have another Al Gore looking after our Arabic affairs, I
بما أننا نفتقر لـ Al Gore آخر يعنى بشؤون التعريب، فيجب أن نيقن ان لن
guess we'd have to do it ourselves. I wouldn't waste time by knocking the
يحمل الراية غيرنا. وفي هذا السّياق، يجب ان لا نضيع الوقت في التعويل على أي من
doors of ANY Arabic government for that matter either. A good start would
الحكومات العربية للدعم. في البداية، أعتقد ان تجتمل كل او السواد الأعظم من
be to host all/most Arabic projects in one web site instead of a bunch of
المشاريع في مكان واحد بدل وضعها الحالي متفرقة. بهذا، فرصة تواجد اكبر عدد من
scattered web sites. If there were 10 people working on Wordlist instead
المتطوعين تكون أكبر. فلو كان هناك على سبيل المثال 10 متطوعين يعملون في
of 1 or 2, then maybe I can slip few articles to
مشروع Wordlist، فستتاح لي الفرصة أن اسهم في
مشاريع [http://ar.wikipedia.org اخرى] وتكون المخرجات اسرع ومتنوعة.
[http://ar.wikipedia.org Wiki], commit few PO files for KDE,
and so on.
<b>13. اين يجب ان يكون التركيز برأيك؟</b>
<b>13. What areas, in your opinion, need the most work ?</b>
Coordination among people who are SERIOUS about seeing Arabic
التنسيق بين الأشخاص الجادين في رؤية مستقبل أفضل لقضية التعريب. انا متأكد من وجود لابأس به من المهتمين في هذه القضية فمن الضروري تجميعهم.
take place in the open source business. There has to be a sizable
number of them out there. They just need to be together.
<b>14. What would you like to see happen sooner rather than later ?</b>
<b>14. مالذي تود ان تراه يحصل الآن عوضاً عن في المستقبل؟</b>
To have my kids use Debian instead of Window on their PC but something
بودّي ان يستخدم اولادي لينكس بدلاً من "ويندوز" ولكن لدي شعور يراودني أني سأندم على هذا الفعل ان قمت به لكمية الأسئلة التي ستوجّه لي. لينكس غير ناضج بشكل تام ليستخدم من قبل كل النّاس.
tells me I will regret it if I do it now due to amount of Q&A; the beast
(Linux) is still not suited for the desktop.
<b>15. What gets you moving and wanting to contribute ?</b>
<b>15. مالذي يحفّزك على العطاء؟</b>
Making the number one language in the world understood by Arabs
أن تكون اللغة الأولى في العالم (الإنجليزية) مفهومة من قبل العرب. لا أخفي مقدار سعادتي عندما يتباهى أولادي بوالدهم والعمل الذي يقوم به. ختاماً، هي لتعليم أولادي ان الحياة لبس كلّها "أعطني" "أعطني" "أعطني"، قليلاً من العطاء هو مجلبة للسعادة في نفس الوقت.
is the prime motivation, I guess. I won't rule out the joy I get when
my kids brag about their father and they have the proof to back it
up. Lastly, teaching my kids that life is not take, take, take all the
time; give from now and then is joyful too.
<b>16. ما هي أفضل انجازات لينكس؟</b>
<b>16. What Arabic Linux accomplishments have really excited you ?</b>
Writing/reading Arabic under KDE & KACST fonts. I want to kiss the
القراءة والكتابة بالعربية في لينكس و بنوط KACST. أود ان اقبّل اليدين اللتين جعلت القراءة والكتابة في لينكس ممكنة. لم يكن يخطر على بالي أن اتمكّن من قراءة النّصوص العربية باستخدام متصفّح "كونكورور".
hands that made the former possible. I NEVER thought I would be
able to view Arabic web site under konqueror.
<b>17. What are some of your favorite links/channels ?</b>
<b>17. ما هي أقضل الوصلات اليك؟</b>
I must see what does David have to offer <u>every</u> day
كل يوم، اتصفح موقع "ديفيد" بحثاً عن شيء جديد لولعي في [http://www.gombergkites.com/ الطائرات الورقية].
I am obsessed with [http://www.gombergkites.com/ kites].
الموقع الآخر يكون لكي أعرف كم [https://www.arabeyes.org/misc/wordlist_status_bar.html تبقّى] لي من ترجمات
Second link would be the
يجب علي القيام بها. وآخر الوصلات هي سجل "قاموس" للتعرف على الكلمات الجديدة والقيام على إضافتها.
[https://www.arabeyes.org/misc/wordlist_status_bar.html Wordlist status page] to see how far I am. Lastly would be the dictd log
to amend new words for Wordlist. The above three are a must every day.
<b>18. What would you tell others to get them involved in the Linux/open-source movement ?</b>
<b>18. ماذا تقول للآخرين كي يسهمو في المصادر المفتوحة؟</b>
At least for Arabs, they should give some time and do a translation
على الأقل بالنسبة للعرب، عليهم ان يعطوا قليلاً من وقتهم في عمل الترجمة كي يتسنى للذي لايستطيع فهم الإنجليزية ان يتعامل مع البرامج ذات الطّابع الإنجليزي.
effort to give those who can't speak English a chance to enjoy the
wealth of open source that has an English interface.
<b>19. كيف يمكن لـ لينكس ان ينتشر؟</b>
<b>19. How would you go about expanding Arabic Linux ?</b>
It is tough at the moment since the desktop is not ready. However, I would
في الوقت الحالي، من الصعب انتشار لينكس لصعوبة استعماله، ولكني لا ارى ضرر من استعمال لينكس كـ "سيرفر" .
be pleased if the use of Linux at the back end is used, I would worry about
the desktop later.
<b>20. Why are you of the opinion that Linux on the desktop is NOT ready ? What is needed for it to be ready (again, from an Arabic point of view) ?</b>
<b>20. لماذا تعتقد بعدم جاهزية لينكس ليستخدم في الحياة اليومية وما الذي يجب عمله في جانب اللغة العربية؟</b>
Linux is not ready for the desktop because it was written by a techie and
لينكس كُتب من قبل رجل فنّي لكي يستعملة رجل فنّي اخر. السواد الأعظم من مستخدمي الكمبيوتر لا يتّصفون
to be used by another techie; general population are not techies. Insert
بالصفة الفنية. ببساطة، أدخل قرص لينكس في الكمبيوتر وقم بتحميل القرص. ماذا ترى؟ ترى أسماء ومصطلحات
ما أنزل الله بها من سلطان فعلى سبيل المثال "ext3" ، "Swap" ، "file system" هي بعض المصطلحات
a Linux CD then boot and go through the installation. "Swap", "file system",
"ext3", etc. are some of the words you need to think about when my father
التي ترد. هل بمقدور أبي او أبوك من فهم هذه المصطلحات؟ ولنزيد الطين بلّة، ماذا لو أن هؤلاء الاباء لا يفهمون اللغة الإنجليزية؟
or your father encounter them during his installation. To make things worse,
think of the above when the fathers involved don't understand English.
<b>21. أين ترى لينكس العربي بعد 5 سنوات؟</b>
<b>21. Where do you see Arabic Linux in five years ?</b>
It could be really some where if we focus on marketing as much
من الممكن جداً لـ لينكس العربي ان يتبوأ مكاناً جيداً اذا اهتممنا بتسويقه مثلما نهتم بتطويره. نحن نفتقر كثيراً لعملية التسويق.
as we focus on development. I think we are very weak in the
marketing department.
<b>22. What would you suggest could be done to improve on the marketing of Open Source in the Arab world ? Any tangible suggestions/steps ?</b>
<b>22. مالذي تقترحه ومن الممكن عمله في تسويق المصادر المفتوحة بشكل أفضل في العالم العربي؟ هل من إقتراحات ملموسة؟ خطوات؟</b>
We need to make ourselves known. Our work must see the light and people
يجب ان يعرفنا الناس ويعرفوا أعمالنا ومن أين يحصلوا على أعمالنا. هل من شخص متخصص في التسويق
have to know where to go and get it. Is there a marketing person looking
لدى عيون العرب [عرب آيز] يُعنى بتسويق أعمالها؟ أذكر أني حاولت تسويق Wordlist ونجحت في وضع العمل في
after the projects Arabeyes working on? I remember marketing Wordlist
بعض المواقع، أعتقد كان من الأجدى أن نسوّق "القاموس" عوضاً عن Wordlist. من الممكن للشخص البسيط
and we managed to put it on a good number of sites, I think we should have
أن يستفيد من القاموس ولكن لاأظن ان نفس الشخص يمكنه ان يستفيد من Wordlist على هيئتها. أمالنا جيدة،
marketed QaMoose instead; Joe-average can use QaMoose but Wordlist
ولكنها ممتازة عندما تضاف الى منتج اخر. نفس الكلام ينطبق على "دولي"، حمّله مع كاتب نصوص بالعربية
alone won't do him any good. Our work is good work as is, but can make an
فتحصل على منتج أفضل.
excellent product when packaged with something else. The same goes for
"duali", packaged with a full fledged Arabic word processor would make
a difference from stand alone "duali".
<b>23. اين ترى نفسك بعد 5 سنوات؟</b>
<b>23. Where do you see yourself in five years ?</b>
Knowing how I conduct my life, nothing special. But something tells me
بالنظر الى حياتي اليومية، لا أعتقد اني ساكون في مكاناً مميزاً، ولكن لدي إحساس ان كمية الطائرات الورقية التي سأقتنيها كثيرة جداً.
I will collect tons of kites.
<b>24. Do you have any advice for the Arabic-speaking world regarding Linux and open-source ?</b>
<b>24. هل لديك نصيحة للعالم العربي تجاه لينكس والمصادر المفتوحة؟</b>
Oh yes, if you don't get your act together and dirty you hands and wait
بالطّبع. ان لم نقم نحن العرب بالتطوير وننتظر اشخاص من غير العرب للقيام بهذه المهمة فسيطول انتظارنا. القضية تتعلق باللغة العربية ولا اتوقع من الألماني او الصيني ان يكترث اذا لم يتطور التعريب.
for someone else to do the Arabisation, your wait will be very long. The
issue here is Arabic and it HAS to be done by Arabs. I don't expect
<p align="left">
native speaking German or Chinese will give Arabisation the time of the day.
<i>Translation courtesy of - Sulaiman Ahmad Al-Rasheedan</i>

نسخة 05:16، 10 فبراير 2017

لغات أخرى:
العربية • ‏English

The Basics ...

  Full Name   Ahmad Sulaiman Al-Rasheedan
  Age   41
  Country of origin   Kuwait
  Residing in   Kuwait
  Occupation/Studying   IT Project manager

1. Is there a project or site that you are affiliated with ? If so, how ?

The only site I am affiliated with is Arabeyes. I used to be affiliated with xtradius.com when I was heavily into the ISP business and I was active in C coding. Those days are over :) I stumbled on Arabeys and the Wordlist project back in July 2003. I saw it was not finished and took it upon myself to finish the pending words and I did. Now I enjoy cruise control mode with Wordlist. I am honored to have played an active role in Wordlist project.

2. What is one thing that most people don't know about you (hobby, pet-peeve, abilities, etc) ?

With a full time job and a full time family size, there isn't much time left from the day for individual activity, but if I do, then I fly kites.

3. What are your thoughts on Linux and open-source ?

Extremely positive. I love having the option between many web browsers, translation tools. Heck I get to modify the source and have the browser function my way! The pace new enhancement and additions to the software is fascinating. Simply superb.

4. What got you interested in Linux and open-source ?

Availability of free software and the robustness of the operating system. In the Early 90's, choices were limited. Either far-from-stable Windows for an OS or expensive commercial Unix with no software to run on. Linux was/is a brilliant concept.

5. What are Linux/open-source's major advantages, as far as you are concerned ?

The fact everything in the open source community is open source gives thousands of developers the chance to chip in, enhance, and fix anomalies. The end result is rock solid products. Having one entity like a commercial company looking after the affair of a piece of software won't be as good as the open source initiative. Find a bug in IRIX or HP-UX and you would have to wait for Silicon Graphics or HP for a fix. You don't like the fix Mr. Torvalds introduced to the latest Linux kernel then trash his code and write your own.

6. What irks/displeases you about the open-source movement ?

It is not user friendly so it won't take off on the desktop as much as I like it to be. Is it feasible to be user friendly? yes. Look at Apple and their Mac OS X. I look for the day where one doesn't have to know what is /dev or /proc.

7. How do you see Arabic fitting into the open-source movement ?

Turtle slow and disappointing. It doesn't make sense to see the amount of people who speak Arabic and number of Arabised software or even recognition to the Arabic language on web sites or end user clients. Arabeyes effort is a small example. Each project on Arabeyes has 1-3 registered participants with 1 or 2 active users and the rest are dormant! How many people on Arabeyes mailing list vs. active users? I was so embarrassed when I posted a message asking for participants for the Wordlist project and my requirement was to have someone translate ONE WORD PER DAY and I didn't manage to recruit a single person!

8. How have you been involved in Linux/open-source ?

Back in the year 2000, I released my first open source piece of software when I was in the ISP business. It was an LDAP authentication module to be plugged onto the RADIUS authentication server. Later I added MySQL accounting. It was very nice to have received e-mails from various people in the world regarding how to apply/compile the software. In 2003, I read Nadim's [Shailki] frustration for lack of participants with the Arabeyes initiative and decided to make a difference. I took up Wordlist project when it had 67,000 words and I translated something close to 19,000 words in three months! I made a point in mentioning numbers and the purpose was not to brag, it is rather to make you feel some responsibility and go out there and do something. I managed to output so much with a full time job, a wife, 4 kids (eldest in high school)....this is what I have to say for those who can't translate ONE WORD PER DAY because they don't have the time!

9. How will you become more involved in Linux/open-source ?

Since I can read/write English & Arabic, I am best suited for the translation business. At this age and amount of responsibilities, I can't code. I can steal 30 minuets a day and translate few words but can't see a tangible output ( from my point of view ) and write meaningful code in 30 minuets. I'll just focus on the translation business.

10. What would you say your major contributions to Arabic Linux/open-source have been ?

For starters, I wouldn't call them major, but I would describe what I did in the following: I am honored and privileged to have contributed to the Wordlist project and was given a chance to have translated few words which your son or mine could look up.

11. How do you see Linux/open-source fitting into the Arab community ?

I see a perfect fit! most of the Arab world would think twice when it comes to software licensing charges. With Linux instead of Windows & Koffice instead of MS Office the Arab world could save a huge amount of money. Why its not taking place? I guess you and I are to be blamed. We are not preaching open source enough.

12. What is the ideal path for development and progress in your opinion ?

Since we wouldn't have another Al Gore looking after our Arabic affairs, I guess we'd have to do it ourselves. I wouldn't waste time by knocking the doors of ANY Arabic government for that matter either. A good start would be to host all/most Arabic projects in one web site instead of a bunch of scattered web sites. If there were 10 people working on Wordlist instead of 1 or 2, then maybe I can slip few articles to Wiki, commit few PO files for KDE, and so on.

13. What areas, in your opinion, need the most work ?

Coordination among people who are SERIOUS about seeing Arabic take place in the open source business. There has to be a sizable number of them out there. They just need to be together.

14. What would you like to see happen sooner rather than later ?

To have my kids use Debian instead of Window on their PC but something tells me I will regret it if I do it now due to amount of Q&A; the beast (Linux) is still not suited for the desktop.

15. What gets you moving and wanting to contribute ?

Making the number one language in the world understood by Arabs is the prime motivation, I guess. I won't rule out the joy I get when my kids brag about their father and they have the proof to back it up. Lastly, teaching my kids that life is not take, take, take all the time; give from now and then is joyful too.

16. What Arabic Linux accomplishments have really excited you ?

Writing/reading Arabic under KDE & KACST fonts. I want to kiss the hands that made the former possible. I NEVER thought I would be able to view Arabic web site under konqueror.

17. What are some of your favorite links/channels ?

I must see what does David have to offer every day I am obsessed with kites. Second link would be the Wordlist status page to see how far I am. Lastly would be the dictd log to amend new words for Wordlist. The above three are a must every day.

18. What would you tell others to get them involved in the Linux/open-source movement ?

At least for Arabs, they should give some time and do a translation effort to give those who can't speak English a chance to enjoy the wealth of open source that has an English interface.

19. How would you go about expanding Arabic Linux ?

It is tough at the moment since the desktop is not ready. However, I would be pleased if the use of Linux at the back end is used, I would worry about the desktop later.

20. Why are you of the opinion that Linux on the desktop is NOT ready ? What is needed for it to be ready (again, from an Arabic point of view) ?

Linux is not ready for the desktop because it was written by a techie and to be used by another techie; general population are not techies. Insert a Linux CD then boot and go through the installation. "Swap", "file system", "ext3", etc. are some of the words you need to think about when my father or your father encounter them during his installation. To make things worse, think of the above when the fathers involved don't understand English.

21. Where do you see Arabic Linux in five years ?

It could be really some where if we focus on marketing as much as we focus on development. I think we are very weak in the marketing department.

22. What would you suggest could be done to improve on the marketing of Open Source in the Arab world ? Any tangible suggestions/steps ?

We need to make ourselves known. Our work must see the light and people have to know where to go and get it. Is there a marketing person looking after the projects Arabeyes working on? I remember marketing Wordlist and we managed to put it on a good number of sites, I think we should have marketed QaMoose instead; Joe-average can use QaMoose but Wordlist alone won't do him any good. Our work is good work as is, but can make an excellent product when packaged with something else. The same goes for "duali", packaged with a full fledged Arabic word processor would make a difference from stand alone "duali".

23. Where do you see yourself in five years ?

Knowing how I conduct my life, nothing special. But something tells me I will collect tons of kites.

24. Do you have any advice for the Arabic-speaking world regarding Linux and open-source ?

Oh yes, if you don't get your act together and dirty you hands and wait for someone else to do the Arabisation, your wait will be very long. The issue here is Arabic and it HAS to be done by Arabs. I don't expect native speaking German or Chinese will give Arabisation the time of the day.