2. Introduction

Every now and then we are fortunate enough to run across talented invidividuals who can make great artistic contributions to our project. This is done by designing logos, banners, icons, fonts, etc.

We will touch on those subjects and try to expand on the ones that need elaboration. However, most of it is very straight-forward and assumes that you are already familiar with a certain set of tools of your choosing. We will make recommendations but will not explain how to use those tools here, as it is outside the scope of this document.

2.1. Credits

One must thank and credit those who have contributed directly and/or indirectly in this document.

2.2. Translations

Currently there are no known translations of this document.

2.3. Feedback

If you have any questions or suggestion, please do make them known on the 'doc' mailing list here: http://lists.arabeyes.org/mailman/listinfo/doc