Standard for Arabic Inclusion and Support

Author: Muhammad Alkarouri

Author: Munzir Obeid

Arabeyes Project

$Revision: 1.3 $


This project aims to standardize the process of certifying Linux applications and distros with respect to Arabic support.

Table of Contents

1. License
2. Background
2.1. Credits
2.2. Feedback
3. Introduction
3.1. Standard for Arabic Inclusion and Support
3.2. What is Arabization?
3.3. Why we need standardization?
3.4. Topics for future standardization
4. Arabization
4.1. Arabization Standard Levels
4.2. Software Arabization
5. Arabization for Applications (SAIS - Applications)
5.1. Arabization Standard Levels - Applications
5.2. Application Classification - Prerequisites
5.3. Application Certification Procedure
5.4. A Sample Application Table
6. Arabization for Distributions (SAIS - Distributions)
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Arabization Standard Levels - Distributions